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The meaning behind the name The Endeavor Works is personal. Though I grew up in landlocked Colorado I romanticized all things nautical. While visiting family at 8 in Bristol I got to board a replica of The Endeavor and it was one of the most formative experiences of my life. I still cherish the souvenir coffee mug. When deciding what to call the daring venture of leaving my job to start my own metal and woodworking business in 2021 I thought of my heroes from history. James Cooke who captained the famous British research vessel, The Endeavour, showed great tenacity and risk in sailing uncharted waters to discover foreign lands. As a child, not yet burdened by the knowledge of the genocide and colonization those imperialist claims would realize, the ship was emblematic of independance. In that regard, Captain Cooke and his famous ship, The Endeavour, are symbols of the great leap and vulnerable risk of sailing or forging without a safety net or charted maps to guide me.

I am creating and discovering new techniques, new designs, and new skills as I craft The Endeavor Works tools. The name is a daily reminder to myself to be steadfast and acknowledge the stalwart requirements of starting this kind of business in this day and age. I like the idea of The Endeavor, too, because the ship itself was the means of exploration and bravery, not a weapon of war or a mechanism of commerce. The Endeavor Works name encompasses the variety of things I desire to make under one name. As I endeavor to create objects of great quality, utility, and beauty I know I will make tools, knives, cooking utensils, figural carved objects, vessels, and more.

“Works” in The Endeavor Works is a tradition. In the great metallurgy towns of old, like the knife-making town of Sheffield, England, a forge or factory is often called a “works” or “metalworks.” The metal shop would often just be named for the street it was on, for example “The Air Works” was on “Air” street. As a collector and devotee of the renowned tool and knife makers of Sheffield this is my hat tip to them and also a living reminder of the centuries of quality I’m modeling my works after. So The Endeavor Works company name is a reminder of the legacy of things of metal made by hand and a reference to an intrepid ship. On the deepest level, The Endeavor Works title is a reminder to myself, and anyone who cares to join me, to be more fearless and to take bold risks for the betterment. Maybe I’ll be shipwrecked or stranded, but I will have sailed. 

Truly, Aaron Christopher Williams, The Endeavor Works Founder and Maker

Where does the name “The Endeavor Works” come from?

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